

Profile Image

Hi there, I’m Andika Tulus Pangestu, but my friends call me Tulus. I’m a junior web developer and content writer, and I’m really good at using PHP frameworks. I can also write technical documentation, blogs, modules, and other tech stuff. Right now, I’m a diploma student at the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics at Bina Sarana Informatika University.

I'm doing...

Learning Full Stack Web Development

Working on my personal projects

Writing GIT & GitHub eBook for Beginners


3rd place in Web Design Competition at OLIVIA UNY 2022

Awarded Top 5 Coders Of The Week KOMINFO Ready, Set, Code! Bootcamp 2020

Work Experience

2022 - 2023
 Full Stack Web Developer
 SD Al-Khairiyyah Tegal

2020 - 2023
 Web Development Academic Mentor
 Progate Indonesia

2021 - 2022
 Content Writer
 PT Kota Digital Nusantara

2021 - 2022
 Student Ambassador

2021 - 2022
 Mobile Developer
 SMA Negeri 3 Slawi

Community & Education Experience

2021 - Present
 System Information
 Bina Sarana Informatika University

2024 - Present
 Frontend Web Curriculum Contributor
 Zero Cost Tech School

2023 - 2024
 Lead of Organizer
 HIMSI UBSI Kampus Tegal

 Industrial Web Full Stack Developer
 MSIB Batch 5 with Gamelab Indonesia

 Frontend Web Developer
 Dicoding X Lintasarta Bootcamp